U.S. protectionist measures trigger global worries about trade war: spokesperson长时间看电视易痴呆?研究显示:平均每天看电视超5小时,患痴呆风险增加44%Baizha Salt Field boasts long history in Yushu, NW ChinaPicturesque countryside scene in E ChinaMFA official's briefing on U.S. National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan's visit to China“蓝粉笔”走过15载送教下乡路美国大幅度下修就业数据 美媒称此举动摇民众对美经济信心Jordan launches initiative to support amputees in Gaza中国海警局新闻发言人就菲律宾海警船非法侵闯仁爱礁发表谈话Nationwide reading atmosphere flourishes with arrival of World Book Day