Scenery of Mount Sannine, Lebanon参加联合训练,中方部队抵达泰国空军基地!Scenery of ruins of ancient city of Hierapolis in Denizli, TürkiyeScenery of Great Wall shrouded in clouds in Hebei日本强震后发布“大地震”风险预警,首相取消出访Potters make potteries in Dawlat Abad District, AfghanistanSmall dinosaur footprints found in northwest China超九成受访者感到运动健身正成为生活新时尚 受访者喜欢的运动项目:跑步、健步走、跳绳位列前三Feature: Perseverance is key to success, says Chinese Juncao technology innovatorKuqa's profound history impresses Turkish journalists in NW China's Xinjiang