Qujiang in NW China develops large首次试飞发现问题 美国波音777X客机结构出现裂缝美国大幅度下修就业数据 美媒称此举动摇民众对美经济信心Fault simulation drill conducted on BaotouChina, Brunei boost ASEAN sub李强将赴俄罗斯主持中俄总理第二十九次定期会晤并访问俄罗斯、白俄罗斯 外交部发言人介绍相关安排In pics: Krishna Janmashtami festival in NepalXi Focus: Xi hails Olympians for winning glory for countryA different perspective of the Great Wall: Hiking the restored section of the Great WallTurkish journalists experience Xinjiang culture at Xinjiang International Grand Bazaar